Shit, I had no idea they're making personal-sized Bibles nowadays. I should probably buy one and stop paying those three eunuchs to carry mine around for me.
"Listen, dumbass, I don't so much care about the smoking at this point. If you want me to keep being your physician, you've got to keep your fucking skin on."
"Fuck me! Did I forget to mention even in passing an 8th habit that makes the other seven habits you worked on look like dog shit? You should totally get this book and learn about it.
"I might also have a ninth habit kicking around in my brain, which I might deign to share with you if I need a new fleet of private jets for each of my kittens."
Because you remember the last time the pigeon drove the bus: the wailing, the wreckage, twisted metal embedded in soft flesh, the smell of burning fuel, tears that pool on city streets.
Oh, man, I heard about that -- a head of lettuce attacked and killed a family of four and had to be restrained with a lobster-claw rubber band. I certainly hope it has a good defense.
Why the hell are the action lines not anywhere near your winking eye? Did you have both eyes closed and then opened one really fucking quickly?
Or is the idea that you mixed your own goddamn hair into those brownies? Is that the secret ingredient? A little eyelash, a little ponytail — it's all brown, and it's all fabulous!
Why the fucking hesitation, Tom? "You were born to be... oh, I don't know, published, maybe?" Of course I was born to be published. How dare you pause even a second to doubt that. Douche.
That damn midget gets all the loving. I can't help it if I eat when I'm depressed. Does this peplos make my hips look big? Fuck it — I'm eating this whole goddamned plate of snails and dormice and then torturing some slaves.